[W9RCA-News] REMINDER: RCA ARC Zoom Meeting is Tue.
Jim Keeth
af9a.jimk at gmail.com
Mon Apr 12 11:54:25 EDT 2021
The April RCA ARC Zoom meeting is Tue., April 13 at 7:00 pm EDT.
NOTE: Our Zoom meetings have been hosted on the Indiana ARRL Section courtesy of Indiana SM Jimmy Merry, KC9RPX. If that subscription happens to be in use at the time of our meeting, you will not be able to login. If that is the case, we can do two of the “free” meetings back to back, limited to 40 min each. Use the alternate meeting ID and passcode to log in. Use the same login for both meetings. Wait until the first meeting automatically terminates, then you should be able to log in again and start the second meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88202892145?pwd=NFlhWHArQmJXMDR3Vm90clZuQmJOZz09 <https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88202892145?pwd=NFlhWHArQmJXMDR3Vm90clZuQmJOZz09>
Meeting ID: 882 0289 2145
Passcode: 026008
Topic: RCA ARC Zoom Meeting
Time: Apr. 13, 2021 07:00 PM America/Indiana/Indianapolis
Join Zoom Meeting
https://us04web.zoom.us/j/8652963564?pwd=cEp5MTh2ZytBaEluZ3NEa21iWWZ3QT09 <https://us04web.zoom.us/j/8652963564?pwd=cEp5MTh2ZytBaEluZ3NEa21iWWZ3QT09>
Meeting ID: 865 296 3564
Passcode: 035795
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