[W9RCA-News] Field Day info 2
Jim Keeth
af9a.jimk at gmail.com
Wed Jun 19 12:16:56 EDT 2019
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Brian D. Smith" <bdsmith at indy.net>
> Subject: Field Day publicity
> Date: June 19, 2019 at 11:51:13 AM EDT
> To: "Bob N7CZ" <n7cz at n7cz.com>, "Brian D. Smith" <bdsmith at indy.net>, "Chuck Arvo" <c_arvo at hotmail.com>, "Cyndy Meier" <indycyndy at comcast.net>, "dalehammer" <dalehammer at indy.rr.com>, "Dan Meier" <dmeier at comcast.net>, "Daniel Kinney" <danielckinney at comcast.net>, "Dave Gingrich" <Dave at dcg.us>, "David Spoelstra" <davids at mediamachine.com>, "Doug Chapman" <bigtwin80 at hotmail.com>, "Doug Rose" <dougr42743 at aol.com>, "Fred Keller" <fredjkeller at gmail.com>, "Ivin Flint" <ivinflint at yahoo.com>, "James Walter" <arswt9u at gmail.com>, "Jay Kraus" <jwkraus at sbcglobal.net>, "Jeff Koropoulis" <itsjdak at gmail.com>, "Jim Keeth" <AF9A at arrl.net>, "Jim Rinehart" <k9ru.indy at gmail.com>, "Kevin Colbert" <colbert at iquest.net>, "Mark Musick" <markmusick at outlook.com>, <mark at mgburke.com>, "Marty Ray" <radiosharpsville at gmail.com>, "Mike Kasrich" <aj9c at indy.rr.com>, "Mike Wetzel" <mjwetzel at comcast.net>, <n9rj at yahoo.com>, "Peter Pauly" <ppauly at gmail.com>, <Rhardeman at acesec.com>, "Steve Carmean" <carmean.steve at gmail.com>, <tccarroll at aol.com>, "Tom Chance" <thomas.chance at gmail.com>, "w9brc" <w9brc at yahoo.com>, <wd8dsb at aol.com>, "William Heacock" <mheacock10 at gmail.com>, "william kennedy" <wy9t at yahoo.com>
> To the Indy United ARC team:
> We’ve already made our mark with Field Day publicity!
> In addition to scoring 100 bonus points before Field Day even begins, Martinsville FM radio station WCBK has been running announcements about our operation on its newscasts.
> Plus, the Martinsville Times-Reporter interviewed me yesterday for a story later this week. There’ll also be a follow-up story after Field Day, as I understand it, and reporter Gracie Phillips will be visiting our site around 3:30 p.m. Saturday. (I’m going to try to get her on the air for a contact or two!)
> Fire up for Field Day!
> 73,
> Brian, W9IND
> Field Day Coordinator
> Indy United ARC
> (317) 422-1989 (home landline)
> (317) 506-1980 (cell)
> P.S. In case anybody would like to read the news release I sent out, I’ve attached it to this email.
> Also, a few important reminders:
> 1. Set-up is at 4 p.m. Friday at Victor Conservation Club, 6675 Red Day Road, Martinsville (that’s the street address; it’s actually off State Road 67 on the opposite side of the road from the community of Centerton).
> 2. If I don’t have your cell phone number already, please email it to me. I’d like to be able to reach everybody in a hurry if I need to.
> 3. If you haven’t filled out an application to become an Indy United ARC member, we’ll have application forms available on Field Day weekend (and even on Friday). You’re not required to be an Indy United member to participate in our Field Day, but our ARRL club liability insurance covers only the club, its officers and its members in case of a lawsuit. That’s why we’re trying to sign up everybody on our team as a member. There are no dues.
> 4. You do, however, have to sign a waiver and bring it with you in order to be allowed to use the Victor Conservation Club property for the weekend. I attached a copy to my previous email (“Field Day Fact Sheet”) but you can also find it attached to this one. (NOTE: If you fill it out and forget to bring it with you, don’t turn around and return home! We’ll have a few copies available over the weekend.)
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