[W9RCA-News] Fwd: RCA RC active on May 5 ???

Clarence - W2PGS w2pgs at arrl.net
Wed Mar 7 12:41:29 EST 2018

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Mel Crichton" <kj9c at att.net>
> Subject: Re: RCA RC active on May 5 ???
> Date: March 6, 2018 at 9:51:30 AM EST
> To: <WebMaster at W9RCA.org>
> Please share with your club members....
> It's  spring, meaning it's time for Indiana radio clubs and individual hams
> to start planning for the Indiana QSO Party on May 5. Not only is this the
> annual running of our popular (and fun ) INQP, it's also a chance to shake
> down your mobile or club's field day setup by activating some of the more
> "rare" Indiana counties.  This is a great opportunity to become "the hunted"
> and experience pileups looking to work YOU !
> There's a link to a powerpoint presentation on the INQP website
> (www.hdxcc.org/inqp, click on PUBLICITY PACKAGE) that could be used as
> program material in your club. The website also holds a lot of other info,
> like rules for INQP, operating tips, and links to special awards, like the
> Worked All Indiana Counties award.
> Perhaps your club can mount a full-blown 12-hour effort to put your county
> on the air and compete for the TOP CLUB plaque. Your members can participate
> as individuals, and then combine their scores for a club score. You might
> also organize a multi-op multi-transmitter effort, and perhaps shake out the
> club gear prior to Field Day. (Check out the rules and operating categories)
> Even if you are not contributing to a club entry, feel free to operate and
> compete for individual awards, including our attractive plaques and
> certificates. Beside operating from home, you can go mobile, or set up
> bigger (and higher) antennas as a  rover or portable.
> Whatever your operating preference, please get on the air Saturday May 5 to
> put  Indiana (and your county) out there for others to work.
> Once you have made a plan, please let the INQP reflector (or K9WX
> timk9wx at gmail.com ) know what counties and call signs you will activate on
> May 5. We'll  put your call on the activity map.
> NOTE:  If you've operated INQP before, please be aware that we changed
> our county abbreviations to avoid confusion with other QSO parties taking
> place the same day (meaning, there will be LOTS of stations to work!).
> Check out the website for more info on using these abbreviations with the
> most common logging programs.
> And if you want to operate the other three QSO parties that day, check out N1MM
> Logger and our website so you can log all the QSOs in one log.
> Thanks
> Mel KJ9C    kj9c at arrl.net
> ---
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> https://www.avast.com/antivirus

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