[W9RCA-News] 2014 Field Day
Jim Keeth
AF9A at arrl.net
Fri Jul 4 16:41:29 EDT 2014
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Thomas Chance <k9xv at arrl.net>
> Subject: 2014 Field Day
> Date: July 4, 2014 at 3:56:22 PM EDT
> To: ircnews at indyradioclub.org, w9ims at yahoogroups.com, Mike Wetzel <mjwetzel at comcast.net>, "Michael C. Goode" <goodemc at att.net>, Jim Keeth <af9a at arrl.net>
> Everyone,
> I first want to thank everyone who participated in the event. Everyone has a great can do attitude that it makes it so much fun!!!!
> I have not totaled up the scores as I write this email, but we will end up in the middle of our past totals.
> Here are some highlights ------
> 1. We setup as 2A this year with CW and Phone Station several hundred feet apart for isolation.
> 2. We used NE9T as the GOTA station this year. We have met a new friend in Rufus NE9T who setup in the adjacent field and he had quite a setup. I have already received a text from Rufus thanks us for all the help!!
> 3. The band were mediocre at best. Was a struggle to make a good run.
> 4. Successfully tested the 2014 WRTC Multi-Two contest station -- Mike W9RE, Mark N5OT and myself learned alot about K3s, filters, triplexers and N1MM, etc
> 5. Had two generators this year, one gas and one Propane.
> 6. No RV this year. We did have a second shelter for CW and all went well.
> 7. Rain on and off Saturday but no lightning!!
> 8. Many boy scouts and interested hams visited on Saturday and Sunday. Have some ideas for GOTA next year.
> 9. Blew up only one power supply
> Special thanks to Jim K9RU for his support and engineering on the fly; Jim AF9A for use and training of his generator and radio, Matt Fearnow for his excellent homemade breakfast on Sunday, Mike W9RE for use of his generator and K3, etc; Mark N5OT for his equipment and operating, Bill WY9T for his scheduling effort (THANKS!); Bob W9PSE for his supplies and antenna launcher.
> Special thanks to Jay W9TC and Leroy WA4OTD for there CW tag team success! I am going to have separate them!!! LOL
> Radar as always you are steady as she goes ... Working 40 and 80 meter pile ups. And still have to determine the guys who showed at 1 and 3 AM to work the 80 meter pile ups.
> Dave K9RTT as always is pushing the 6 meter envelope. Mike N9NS brought the 40/20M Antenna and solar setup for those extra points!!!
> Everyone ---- Please forward pictures ....
> And oh, by the way Camp Belzer as a site was fantastic for camping, setup, public access, etc ...
> Wow ... what a weekend, I am sure I have missed something ...Please forgive me!!!!
> Now on to the Indy Hamfest and the 100 year display !!! Hope to see everyone!!!
> Thanks
> Tom K9XV
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