[W9RCA-News] Fwd: ham radio at Indy Mini Maker Faire?
Clarence - W2PGS
W2PGS at arrl.net
Fri Jul 1 12:48:32 EDT 2011
Not sure if you have seen this, If so I'm sorry about the second copy..
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Carina Eizmendi <Eizmendi at connerprairie.org>
> Date: June 29, 2011 5:02:42 PM EDT
> To: "'wb8hqs at arrl.net'" <wb8hqs at arrl.net>, "'vberko at comcast.net'" <vberko at comcast.net>, "'w9lkh at comcast.net'" <w9lkh at comcast.net>, "'robinberrier at aol.com'" <robinberrier at aol.com>, "'tables at fortwaynehamfest.com'" <tables at fortwaynehamfest.com>, "'wb9uza at arrl.net'" <wb9uza at arrl.net>, "'dan996 at aol.com'" <dan996 at aol.com>, "'kb9ih at arrl.net'" <kb9ih at arrl.net>, "'kb9ibw at juno.com'" <kb9ibw at juno.com>, "'phil_snider at hotmail.com'" <phil_snider at hotmail.com>, "'k9dvl at comcast.net'" <k9dvl at comcast.net>, "'kb9wsl at hotmail.com'" <kb9wsl at hotmail.com>, "'n9pmw at arrl.net'" <n9pmw at arrl.net>, "'kc9ido at arrl.net'" <kc9ido at arrl.net>, "'badbjd at hotmail.com'" <badbjd at hotmail.com>, "'rervin55 at msn.com'" <rervin55 at msn.com>, "'n.ninepvq at verizon.net'" <n.ninepvq at verizon.net>, "'jflint95 at juno.com'" <jflint95 at juno.com>, "'n9pmw at arrl.net'" <n9pmw at arrl.net>, "'spottedowl57 at yahoo.com'" <spottedowl57 at 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<ocarc_vicepres at kb9ohy.org>, "'ocarc_sec at kb9ohy.org'" <ocarc_sec at kb9ohy.org>, "'info at w9og.net'" <info at w9og.net>, "'jcvanvorst at wowway.com'" <jcvanvorst at wowway.com>, "'wa9c at arrl.net'" <wa9c at arrl.net>, "'len.n9qvq at gmail.com'" <len.n9qvq at gmail.com>, "'chris at ke9yk.com'" <chris at ke9yk.com>, "'ft2pointer at gmail.com'" <ft2pointer at gmail.com>, "'merlin025 at insightbb.com'" <merlin025 at insightbb.com>, "'ron.lile at ieee.org'" <ron.lile at ieee.org>, "'wb9efh at yahoo.com'" <wb9efh at yahoo.com>, "'psherrill at insightbb.com'" <psherrill at insightbb.com>, "'rkanipe at hotmail.com'" <rkanipe at hotmail.com>, "'ddjulian54 at yahoo.com'" <ddjulian54 at yahoo.com>, "'terrymccrarey at yahoo.com'" <terrymccrarey at yahoo.com>, "'wa9c at arrl.net'" <wa9c at arrl.net>, "'w9au at insightbb.com'" <w9au at insightbb.com>, "'tbrooks at wowway.com'" <tbrooks at wowway.com>, "'besche at wowway.com'" <besche at wowway.com>, "'rickwilliams at wowway.com'" 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"'km9e at mac.com'" <km9e at mac.com>
> Subject: ham radio at Indy Mini Maker Faire?
> Hello,
> We’re writing to you because as ham radio operators interested in promoting science, self-reliance, and electronics knowledge we think you might want to exhibit (for free) at the Indy Mini Maker Faire.
> Maker Faire is an international series of family fun festivals to make, create, learn, invent, craft, recycle, build, think, play, and be inspired by celebrating science, engineering, technology, arts, crafts, food, and music.
> This is a chance for you to show off what you do, promote amateur radio and your club, and talk to thousands of interested people. It’s free to exhibit and do giveaways, and the vendor’s fee is only $100. If you want to do a workshop but have to charge to pay for materials, let us know and we’ll see what we can do.
> We’re interested in projects in process as well as completed ones! It’s fun to watch people make or fix things.
> The first Indy Mini Maker Faire is Sept. 17-18, 2011, at Conner Prairie Interactive History Park during their annual Country Fair. You and anyone traveling with you to the Faire as an exhibitor will get free admission to the Indy Mini Maker Faire while you exhibit. Last year Country Fair had about 8,000 visitors, so we’re hoping for a lot of exposure!
> You can find out more details and apply at our website: http://makerfaireindy.org
> We’ve extended the application deadline past June 30, 2011, but spaces are limited so please apply soon!
> Even if you can’t make it, we’d really appreciate you forwarding this e-mail to anyone you think might be interested in exhibiting. We’re especially interested in: hands-on activities, robots, Green Tech, whimsical technical creations, Steampunk, musicians, student projects, and science and technology education.
> Questions? Contact us at makerfaire at connerprairie.org
> Thanks, and we hope you apply,
> The Indy Mini Maker Faire Crew
> Experience Developer
> 13400 Allisonville Rd.
> Fishers, IN 46038
> 317.776.6000 ext. 227
> fax: 317.776.6014
> email at connerprairie.org l connerprairie.org
> Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.
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