[W9RCA-News] RCA ARC Field Day and Indy Hamfest info

Jim Keeth af9a at arrl.net
Mon Jun 22 17:57:45 EDT 2009


The RCA ARC is doing a joint operation with the Indianapolis Radio  
Club at the Marion County Fair Grounds again this year.  There will  
be four operating positions running, hopefully for the entire 24 hour  
period, which begins at 1400 EDT Saturday.   In addition to the two  
main stations, there is a VHF and a GOTA station.  The GOTA (Get On  
The Air) station will use the W9RCA call and allow people interested  
in ham radio who haven't gotten a license, new hams, and hams not  
currently active, a chance to get on the air operate and at the same  
time add bonus points to the field day score.  The to main HF  
stations and the VHF station will use the call W9JP.

Consider operating the GOTA station!  Your contacts there are worth  
bonus points added to the score.  The first 600 contacts are worth  
bonus points and CW counts twice as much as phone.  A control  
operator will supervise non-licensed operation and those operating  
outside the limits of their license.  For more information contact:  
k9ru at arrl.net  The details of the contest are available on the ARRL  
web site:  http://www.arrl.org/contests/announcements/fd/

For more information, check out the Indianapolis Radio Club web site  
at:  http://www.indyradioclub.org/ircfdops.htm  The starting / ending  
times on the website are wrong it is 1800 UTC Saturday, which is 1400  
EDT.   Setup will start at 10 AM Saturday and any help would be  
appreciated.  There is room for tent camping for those interested in  
staying over night. There are RV sites but there is a fee.

Ron Cooper, WB9DKL is handling scheduling, you are welcome to stop by  
anytime, but we would like to schudule at least some of the operating  
time to keep all the stations on the air.  To sign up for a time slot  
call Ron at 317-636-6243.   BTW, Ron announced that he will be  
treating those who are present at the field day site on Saturday to  


Our club will have tables again this year at the Indy Hamfest.  We'll  
need help on Friday afternoon, July 10, to load junk from our  
warehouse and move it to the hamfest.  Loading will start at 4 PM.

We will also need help manning the booth Saturday.  We will have room  
for items that members want to sell, but they will need to be at the  
booth and responsible for personal items.  Please plan to give us a  

I have some advance tickets for $6.  Email me at af9a at arrl.net to  
arrange to get the tickets.  Advance tickets are also available at  
R&L Electronics in Hamilton, OH, King Electronics, Meunier  
Electronics, MAI Prime Parts, and Indy area Batteries Plus.  See the  
website for more details:  http://www.indyhamfest.com   Plenty of  
tables are still available at $15 each in the tent and tables are  
available in the Commercial building.

Hamfest tickets will be available at the Indianapolis Radio Club /  
RCA ARC Field Day operation.

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