Jim Keeth JKeeth at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jul 6 14:48:18 EDT 2021

Help Needed moving the stuff to the Hamfest and at the RCA Tables at the Hamfest.

We need help loading and moving stuff from K9RU's home to the Indy Hamfest.
Anyone that has a vehicle which can haul some stuff would be a big help as we have a lot of stuff.
The plan is to meet at K9RU, Jim Rinehart's home to load the stuff, 1455 Shannon Ave., Indianapolis, IN at 9 AM, Friday July 9.
If you can help out let Jim know: k9ru at arrl.net <mailto:k9ru at arrl.net>k9ru at arrl <mailto:k9ru at arrl>.net. Phone: 317 721-1458 or call on the W9RCA repeater, 146.88 MHz, tone 88.5.
We need help manning the tables a the Hamfest both Friday and Saturday so if you could help out for an hour or more it would be great.
– Jim K9RU
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