[W9RCA-News] Fwd: Technical Excellence Award

Jim Keeth af9a at arrl.net
Tue Apr 17 10:15:47 EDT 2012

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Dennis Gilbey <k9jzz9 at gmail.com>
> Date: April 17, 2012 9:59:59 AM EDT
> To: David Spoelstra <n9kt at arrl.net>, Gary Adams <w9eeu at arrl.net>,  
> Jack Parker <jparker at iquest.net>, Ray Andrews <k9dur at rnacs.com>
> Subject: Technical Excellence Award
> Nominations are being accepted for the 2012 Technical Excellence  
> Award.
> Each year the Indiana Radio Club Council selects an outstanding
> Indiana Amateur Radio Operator who has used their technical expertise
> to advance amateur radio in their radio clubs, other organizations,
> and community.
> This individual is not required to be a member of an organized club or
> organization.  We are seeking to acknowledge someone who has given of
> their time and technical expertise to the Amateur Radio community.
> Nomination requirements:
> ·	Submit as much detail about your nominee as possible.
> ·	List your name, call sign, address, phone number, and email address.
> ·	List the call sign, address, phone number, and email address of  
> your nominee.
> ·	Submit nomination as early as possible.  We may have to get in touch
> with you for additional information.
> Deadline for nominations is June 15, 2012.
> The IRCC Technical Excellence Award will be presented during the
> Indianapolis Communications & Technology Expo July 14, 2012.
> Submit nominations to:
> Dennis Gilbey, K9JZZ
> 959 Harvest Ridge Dr.
> Avon, In, 46123-7142
> Cell 317-946-9721
> IRCC Vice Chairman
> k9jzz9 at gmail.com

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