[W9RCA-News] Fwd: House Bill 1060 - use of handheld communication devices

Clarence - W2PGS W2PGS at arrl.net
Mon Jan 11 19:07:24 EST 2010

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "ARRL IN Section" <memberlist at www.arrl.org>
> Date: January 11, 2010 11:16:01 AM EST
> To: W2PGS at SpamFree.cc
> Subject: House Bill 1060 - use of handheld communication devices
> Hello Fellow Hams,
> We are writing to let you know that it is time to write our Indiana
> State Representatives and let them know that we need to be exempt from
> House Bill 1060 (HB1060) concerning the use of handheld communications
> devices. We need all hams that are represented by the members of the
> State Public Policy Committee listed below to email their respective
> representative.
> HB1060 basically reads:
> "Use of telecommunications devices while driving. Prohibits the use of
> a handheld personal communications device by a motor vehicle
> operator...."
> This means our handheld radios and even microphones would not be
> allowed for our use.
> If your State Representative is listed below then they are on the
> committee that decides the fate of this bill. Please email them and
> tell them they need to exempt Amateur Radio Operators from this bill. 
> They will listen to you if you are in their district because you vote
> for them.  If you are not in their district, they will probably not
> listen, so only email your representative.
> Simply ask them to please add an exemption to HB1060 for Amateur Radio
> Operators on the basis of our continuing support to Indiana communities
> and governmental agencies in time of emergencies.
> Whether or not you are an ARES/RACES member makes no difference, as
> this bill will affect all hams using a radio while driving. Please
> write your representative and ask for the exemption of Amateur Radio
> Operators. Their email address is listed at the end of their respective
> listing. If you don't know who your State Representative is, then use
> this easy link to find out:
> http://district.iga.in.gov/DistrictLookup 
> Indiana Public Policy Committee:
> Trent Van Haaften, Democrat, District 076 (Evansville area) -
> h76 at in.gov
> Vanessa Summers, Democrat, District 099 (North and Central
> Indianapolis area) - h99 at in.gov
> Terri Austin, Democrat, District 036 (Anderson area) - h36 at in.gov
> Phil GiaQuinta, Democrat, District 080 (Ft. Wayne area) - h80 at in.gov
> Earl L. Harris, Democrat, District 002 (East Chicago area) - h2 at in.gov
> Scott Pelath, Democrat, District 009 (Michigan City & La Porte area)
> - h9 at in.gov
> Mary Ann Sullivan, Democrat, District 097 (South central
> Indianapolis area) - h97 at in.gov
> Matt Bell, Republican, District 083 (Ft. Wayne area) - h83 at in.gov
> Wesley Culver, Republican, District 049 (Goshen & Bristol area) -
> h49 at in.gov
> Thomas Knollman, Republican, District 055 (Fayette & Union counties
> area) - h55 at in.gov
> L. Jack Lutz, Republican, District 035 (Delaware, Hamilton, Madison
> and Tipton counties area) - h35 at in.gov
> Jackie Walorski, Republican, District 021 (South Bend, Elkhart, and
> Saint Joseph county area) - h21 at in.gov
> Thank you for the support. We, as your ARRL representatives, will be
> writing all of them to express our concern at the state level. But none
> of them are our representatives, so they may not listen. 
> John, W3ML
> ARRL Indiana Section Manager
> David, N9KT
> ARRL Indiana State Government Liaison
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> ARRL Indiana Section
> Section Manager: John M. Poindexter, W3ML
> w3ml at arrl.org
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> This message is being sent to you via the ARRL Members Only Web site.
> If you do not want to receive further messages, go to the site at:
> http://www.arrl.org/members-only/memdata.html?modify=1
> Log in with your username and password and change your email options.
> Unchecking the "News and information from your Division Director and
> Section Manager" box will prevent messages such as this one from
> being sent to you.
> -- webmaster at arrl.org

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